NRM Test Solutions
NRM specializes in the “component level” board repair, sales and service of ATE I.C. test systems manufactured by Credence, Sentry, STS/KTS/Kinetix, Hewlett Packard, LTX, TMT and MCT 20xx. Providing board repair, world wide field services and scheduled calibrations on Credence, Sentry, STS/KTS/Kinetixsystems, we can offer single source and flexible maintenance programs. Board repair services are also available on MCT 20xx testers, TMT ASL1000/3000 and KLA 1007/1011 probers.
NRM Test Solutions has an extensive inventory of PC boards, power supplies and peripherals to handle almost any need. NRM Test Solutions provides system sales, refurbishment, installation and full warranties on all services.
NRM Test Solutions is the USA representative for Salland Engineering, who manufactures a PC-CPU upgrade for Sentry (SEFast) and MCT